Security Audits
Auditing Services
We provide several levels of audits, and will add more as our
group matures and broadens. Only local area audits are currently
offered. Off-site facilities, customer sites, and classified
audits may be added in the future. An audit may encompass just one
machine, or even an application on that machine. It may be
concerned with just one network, or with the entire
enterprise. The level of auditing, and types of tests used vary
according to customer preference and need, and the current and
future capabilities of the auditing team.
Audit Levels:
Social engineering is assumed to be part of these audits unless we
are specifically requested not to use these techniques.
A Site Audit encompasses the entire enterprise, or a discrete
portion of that enterprise (such as a division or group). Site
Audits may be done on request, but require a signed
authorization. This type of audit is useful if it is desired that
the firewall and the occupants of the DMZ (such as the company web
site, and any ftp, email, or other network services) be tested for
vulnerabilities. All audits are done with limited disclosure, so
that affected business will be carried on in a normal
fashion. Site audits also include such things as "wardialing" -- a
test to discover modems, terminal servers, and other answering
devices. This will discover known and authorized modems,
misconfigured modems, and unauthorized devices.
A network audit makes use of various tools, and discovers
potential vulnerabilities on the local networks. A network
topology is built using SNMP and other protocols, and compared to
the current understood topology (if there is one). Specific
problems that may be inherent in a particular style of networks
will be addressed at the time the audit is arranged. Very few
networks are homogeneous, and it is assumed that most networks
will require a unique approach.
This Site Security Audit Checklist is targeted towards a small to
medium single site operation. The data will also be used as part
of a future Enterprise Security Checklist. This checklist targets
top level security items to ensure that essential policies,
procedures, methodologies, and tools are in place to provide a
security framework. Other security audit checklists may be
used to verify specific installations of software, systems and
networks. It is expected that this check list will be tailored to
a specific site's needs and operations.
Disclaimer: This audit, and all audits performed by
the auditing team, are done under the aegis of the
OSSTM. While every effort is made to be professional and
complete, these audits should only be used in conjunction
with your standard security preparations.
Last modified: Tue Nov 9 20:07:39 PST 2004