The form of the assessment will be as follows: o title page o table of contents o executive summary o audit goals and objectives o audit methodology o audit context: organizational and technical overview o main body, including corrective actions o appendix o glossary The largest part of the report, obviously, will be in the main body. This will describe, in each case, the present situation, the problem(s) with that situation, and the corrective action. All corrective actions will have a high/medium/low priority, and will be cross-referenced into the appendix. All terms, even those assumed to be understood by the audience, are expected to be defined in the glossary. If there are issues that we believe will require management intervention, those will be referenced in a separate appendix. Issues defined as being beyond the scope of the audit may also be identified, and will appear in a third appendix. There will be an appendix that should list every single component examined, the dates they were examined, the results of it, and any other relevant information. This may also be cross-indexed back into the main body, and the first appendix.
Last modified: Sat Oct 30 23:00:32 PDT 2004