
Why are you here?
You have one or more computers at home. Everywhere you turn, it seems like it is less safe on the internet. You worry about whether you are doing the right things. You wonder just what the right things are. Between Code Red and Nimda, you'd just like to feel a little safer, to know that what you are doing to protect yourself at home is about what you can do.

Why are we here?
We are here to help. We will try to provide answers to the most common problems, and to help point out the most useful things for you to know, so that you can feel comfortable about your home set up.

What do we know?
Quite a bit. We've been working in the security fielf for quite some time, and we've had home networks for a number of years. We've made many mistakes, and not made a whole lot more mistakes.

What can't we know?
We can't predict the future. We don't know when or where the next big problem will strike. We won't be able to tell you how to be completely secure. We can't even make ourselves completely secure.

Remember, the choice is always between convenience and security. How secure you want to be will depend on how much convenience you are willing to give up.

Last modified: Sat Oct 30 22:34:33 PDT 2004